August 01, 2012

Not My Bulletin Boards..BUT COOL IDEAS!!!

These are a couple things happening in my hallway at school that I thought were fun & wanted to share.

Mrs. Manning is very proud of her board!!!  She actually had a parent get his picture by it today....and it wasn't her parent!?!!? ha ha    She doesn't always think of her self as a creative person, but I love this idea!!

She bought plastic Easter eggs (I'm sure on sale after Easter)...glittered them...and then hot glued them onto a CD.  The little alien she purchased through Oriental Traders, but I'm sure you could find something elsewhere(or have the kids make one out of Model Magic!)

She wrote the name on the for each of her students.  The girl aliens had bows!! ha ha  I think I might have used stickers for the kids names for an extra POW of color, but Sharpie works!!

Ms. C is a Pinterest QUEEN!  I'm not sure if she got this from Pinterest, but I wouldn't doubt it.  They are small paper plates that you can get just about anywhere.  Wal-Mart has them for a good price I know..and a large variety of colors.  She has a "WELCOME" sign above her door...and her Word Wall  with them inside her room!  It really adds a great pop of color!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh I just LOVE the CD/Easter egg flying saucers! What a fun creative idea, worthy of being pinned on Pinterest!
