May 18, 2011

The Painted Pot -2nd Grade

My second graders are painting their coil pots this week.  I use acrylic paint.  Though I'd love to have all my students glaze all of their clay projects...I just don't have the time or money to do so.  I use to feel guilty, but several years ago I went to a clay workshop with a professional clay artist(made his grandma into a pot!!..well..her ashes at least..anyways?!?!) & he said he often uses acrylic with his students(kids) do to time/money.  That made me feel better! ha ha  The kids love it..instant gratification.  I'm loving the results. I have them use one metallic acrylic & one regular(they pick). 


  1. I am going to try some sort of clay projects this summer with my kids...though probably model magic!!

  2. That is so cool how do you do that. You should put the directions on pinterest.
