August 28, 2008

Art Room Organization PART 1

I am a bit OCD. My friends find great joy in coming into my classroom and moving things to see how long it will take me to figure it out! Usually...NOT LONG! ha ha It seems that many art teachers have a reputation of being a bit messy/disorganized. I'm not sure how much of this is part of the artistic character.....or is it just a self fulfilling prophecy. Whatever the case may be, I'm here to tell you...ORGANIZATION IS YOUR FRIEND!! Every room has a different set of issues when it comes to organization. I have been in every type of room imaginable....and I'm here to tell you...IT IS POSSIBLE TO BE ORGANIZED NO MATTER WHAT!!! Now, you don't have to organize your still life objects based on colors, but making some simple changes in your room can allow you to be a more efficient & more affective teacher. Take a look & see if some of these ideas can work for you in your art room!!


  1. At the end of the year I make sure everything is super organized. My problem is by about one month into the school year the clutter has built up into epic proportions.

    I blame a combination of poor time management and an influx of new supplies (both ordered and donated).

  2. Hey Aaron! Thanks for the comment. I know that it can be challenging as things are coming in..and the year is moving on, but I find myself spending a little time each week purging things that are dead/broken/no good/not used, so I can work in my new materials. I made a promise to myself to never be a packrat!! It just takes a bit of extra time(which we don't always have!!)

  3. Could you PLEASE come over and organize my basement?
