(This is Day 2 of the first ever Art With Mr. E Workshop that happened back in June.)
Our morning kicked off doing a few studio projects before heading to
the Frist Center for our "field trip". Some of them were projects that needed dry time..so they were perfect for field trip day!
Our morning kicked off doing a few studio projects before heading to
the Frist Center for our "field trip". Some of them were projects that needed dry time..so they were perfect for field trip day!
We started our morning creating relief sculptures using canvas board and plaster gauze strips. If you can not afford canvas board for your classroom...cardboard would work too! If you are worried about too much moisture for cardboard..you can wrap it with aluminum foil before plastering! You can take this kind of project in a million different directions!! Still life, portraits, landscapes...it is very versatile! Be warned though...plaster gauze strips are messy! I think my 3rd & 4th graders could use them well...but this is for sure a great project for middle/high school!!
If you are overwhelmed with the idea of collaborative projects...here is an easy & quick way to get the whole school involved. Use large tongue depressors or Popsicle sticks! I do not recommend the small popsicle sticks...they have too many irregularities in them to place together! Using pencil or Sharpie(though there is some bleeding with Sharpie)...draw a design/pattern onto the stick. Then use colored pencils to color them in. You can limit the color pallet if you want a certain "look". The project can be done in 15 min. After you are done..you can glue them to a black mat board & frame it in a poster frame! I've seen the poster frames at Goodwill/yard sales....or even pretty cheap at Wal-Mart. Collaborative projects don't have to take a ton of time or space to have impact!
I wanted to make sure we did some fiber projects because I feel that area often gets neglected in the art room. This is an idea I saw done on a few different blogs...but I have seen it done extremely well on There's A Dragon In My Art Room by Phyl. ( http://plbrown.blogspot.com/ ) She is an amazing resource...so if you don't follower her..PLEASE START NOW!! The mixture we used for this batik is Aloe Lotion & Tooth Paste. There are other versions out there that you can use, but this did seem to work well. Old glue bottles would work best for this to get a controlled flow.
We went on a field trip to The Frist Center ( http://fristcenter.org/ ). The show that was up was "different"...but ended up being pretty amazing to see. I am not a "car person"...but seeing the color & design of these automobiles was breathtaking! I think everyone enjoyed it very much. We also had a blast in Art Quest...the interactive "kid" section of the museum. We talked about next year possibly doing a tour of some of the public art Nashville has(it is pretty amazing actually...Nashville has grown so much in this facet of art!)
That evening many of us got together for milkshakes! It was great to be able to "chill" with art people. I think we miss an amazing opportunity when we don't make time to fellowship with those that do what we do! We had no agenda, but wonderful conversations came out of our unstructured time naturally! Plus..those who attended my workshop were just a whole bunch of fun!!! We laughed...A LOT!
Stay tuned...one more day of the workshop to share with ya'll!!
Thanks for the shout-out! Can't wait to see how your batiks turned out. What kind of paint did you use?