September 28, 2011


There were 20 teachers/staff in the art room by 3:30 today...ready for our first ever Brushes & Beverages!   My principal had asked me if I'd be willing to organize this event for our faculty.  I was not realizing it was going to be in the midst of a very crazy week for me, but I AM SO GLAD WE DID IT!!!  What a wonderful thing to come together & create....leaving the worries of our job/life behind (if only for a couple hours).  At the area painting places...the instructor usually has a very scripted teaching style & the art work tends to look exactly the same.  I am not that type of teacher.  THANK GOODNESS!!  Take a look at the paintings & check out how different & wonderful they are.  Amazing how the personalities came out on many of them.  My instruction was to create a sunflower(ish). Stencils were provided for the fearful. Before every arrived, I plated basic flower colors for everyone, but had other colors.  I presented options but left it open for people to create their own original work  My role was to help, encourage, and answer questions.


  1. The artwork is terrific! Was this just assorted classroom teachers who felt like participating? Or art teachers? Or was it part of some other event? How many participated? All elementary? Seriously, some of the paintings are great!

    I'm actually doing a similar approach to painting sunflowers right now w/my 4th graders. Only rules: no pencil pre-drawing, keep the colors clean for the next guy, and fill the negative space. Use the colors I put out in whatever way you like. I'll post results when they are done.

  2. I'll bet the teacher's in your school think you are the coolest! Sounds like a really fun faculty activity.

  3. They are classroom teachers & faculty from my school! And there are some REALLY talented people in the midst!!! 20 people attended.

  4. Looks like fun! I'd have liked to have been there!!!

  5. Ted,

    I did a class last spring for our faculty and we made clay bowls. I had about 20 teachers show up. Everybody had such a great time. I surprized everybody by putting their work in a special showcase for the spring show. I am already getting request for another class this spring.
    In August right before school started I hosted a night for our teachers at "Painting with a Twist". They have a horse painting in their library and we are Mustangs. Now we all have a similar painting of our school mascot in our rooms. The kids love it, and what better way to show your students it is worth taking a risk to try something new

    Mrs. E (from Texas)

  6. I've had some clay therapy sessions at my school, but the turnout was not as good as yours. Maybe I should try painting next. :P

  7. Mr. E.,

    I love these! Your blog is so much fun to read and look at.

    Thanks for sharing your classroom with art teachers everywhere.

    2nd Year Art Teacher in Missouri

  8. Thanks for this great idea!! -Clara
