It is coming to the end of another school year(officially the end of my 20th), and we are faced with 4th grade awards once more. It has changed over the years, but it is still something we wrestle with as a related arts team. There are many students that are deserving for many reasons, and there are times where a class does not necessary deserve that kind of distinction. Originally we had to select one girl & one boy from each class of 4th graders. We also could not "overlap" between related arts. This was a huge challenge most of the time. We eventually talked to our administration & they agreed to allow us to select whoever we wanted from the classes(two boys, two girls, or a boy and a girl), and that we could over lap in special situations were there was just a super start student that was deserving. What does your school do? Do you have specific criteria? What are your thoughts/feelings on this topic?
I will say....I'm so excited about the awards this year. They have always been very traditional metal medals in the past. I've always wanted something fun & colorful!
Our new book keeper allowed me to pick what I wanted!!!
I've always had mixed feelings about school awards. I work so hard to"find the artist" in each student that I feel like picking one or two makes me a hypocrite...if that makes sense. I'm not against art awards by no means, juried shows, contests etc. All of these are awesome recognition. I just don't like awarding them from me. One year, I had to give them and as a compromise I let the individual classes pick their own top two artists.