This year we're doing Agency D3 for our VBS. Think Spy Kids meets CSI. This is the second year we've had a family art night(because this is the second year my wife has been directing the children's ministry at our church). We have projects that families can work on together that we'll hang up at our VBS.
Painters Tape & I are not friends!!! ha ha I was taping off a city scape on large canvases for the teens to paint during the family art night!
I had pre-drawn images for them to paint..because this was a come and go event. They used a variety of watercolor techniques to paint the images.

Fun & colorful!!!
For the teens helping out...I had them paint these large canvases for a photo booth set. After they finished up..they helped cut out images the kids had painted.
VBS holds so many great memories for me! How wonderful that you get to be part of these kids' memories and help nurture their relationships with God!