August 31, 2010

Chihuly Inspired Paintings

After watching a video on Chihuly & looking at some images I had from the St. Louis installation we were ready to begin our project. Providing background knowledge to your projects is important for your students to view it as more than just an odd skill their odd teacher is making them do.
  My students revisited the idea of our project from last week, and recreated the line drawing that they would eventually paint.  I introduced analogous colors & revisited complementary colors.  Students then picked out the analogous colors they wanted & received white to tint the image.  While they were painting I allowed the Chihuly video to play in the background.  After students were finished with their analogous color, they received their complementary color to make a line/ripple design on their image. 

This is image is from the Chihuly exhibit at St. Louis.


  1. Cool. I love when lessons are simple and teach a concept, and produce a product that is striking to look at, and when all kids can be succesful. And it doesn't take two months to complete!!

  2. have you tried melting water bottles yet? it is an awesome chihuly inspired artwork! the kids love it :) i like your twist on chihuly...very creative!
