I am not a dog lover. However, I appreciate a great idea even if it is dogcentric. My friend Shotsie brought in a piece of art that she & Zeus(her French Bulldog) created. She saw the idea on Greatest American Dog(once again, I am not a dog lover..so I have never seen the show). She placed his paws in brown paint & had him walk over the canvas(a large stencil was placed on the canvas so that the paint would go in the desired area). She had old sheets laid out & kept him in the area by playing with his fav. toy...a green tennis ball. After he had covered the area with brown paint(you can see some of his little paw prints within the brown), she cleaned his paws & sent him on his merry way. Then it was time for Shotsie to flex her artistic muscles. I think this collaboration ended in a dog gone good piece of art.
That is such a cool idea! I can see doing this with my Pre-K kids, particularly early in the year when they're still working on their hand-eye coordination.