Here are the 4th Grade classes for Color Explosion!
March 30, 2018
March 29, 2018
March 28, 2018
Color Explosion: 1st Grade
Here are the first grade projects we used for the art show!
There are a few projects students selected from for their piece. A majority of the students selected their water color checkerboard background with collage animal on top of it. I loved this project, and the kids did AMAZING work. One of the other projects students selected was the fish bowl. We were still working with watercolor & patterns. I had been given a roll of clear thick I had the students trace with a sharpie on the plastic, cut it out, and use craft glue to attach it to their picture. I know it is hard to tell from the pictures, but their bowls look real!! The other selection(and there were only two I believe)....were collage monsters.
There are a few projects students selected from for their piece. A majority of the students selected their water color checkerboard background with collage animal on top of it. I loved this project, and the kids did AMAZING work. One of the other projects students selected was the fish bowl. We were still working with watercolor & patterns. I had been given a roll of clear thick I had the students trace with a sharpie on the plastic, cut it out, and use craft glue to attach it to their picture. I know it is hard to tell from the pictures, but their bowls look real!! The other selection(and there were only two I believe)....were collage monsters.
March 27, 2018
Color Explosion: Kindergarten
As promised...I'm going to break my all school art show down into grade levels. Here are my kindergarten students. They are truly amazing artists!!
The students were allowed to chose from landscapes with houses, Warhol's cats(crayon & watercolor), Doughnuts(crayon and watercolor), and Kandinsky painting to music(tempera).
March 26, 2018
What an amazing night!! We had over 350 people come through the art show between 5pm-7pm March 22, 2018. That is the largest number(100 more than our highest year) of people we've had attend our art show in all of my years at this school(17yrs). I attribute it to call outs & our use of social media to get the word out! No matter the reason....I'LL TAKE IT!! ha ha
I'm going to do a series of posts featuring each grade level, but will give you an over view in this post. If you ever have questions about putting on a large art show...just send me an e-mail & I'll try to answer your questions(or get you in touch with someone that can!!).
I select my theme for the following year as I'm hanging up the show for the current year! You'll have to follow my Pinterest to see what I'm thinking about for next year's art show!
The first table people come to at the show is sign in & thank you cards. We have sign in just to keep track of who came & because it is a Title 1 School thing. Thank you cards are created by the students...and I just think is nice to let people know we appreciate them coming!
The next tables people come to are Activity Tables. I like to get parents & those who attend creating with their children. Nothing too complex...just a little something to get their creativity going!
The show is done in an area of our school where a couple different wings connect. It has lots of wall space, and has high people we see the show as it is up!
Cookie table is everyone's favorite part of the art show! ha ha I ask teachers/staff to bring in a package of cookies for the art show. They are happy to do it....and the kids are happy to eat them!
This year I did things differently with how I hung the show. I hung them up going K, 1, 2, 3, & 4. I usually group them by grade level. I also did not place the grade with the teacher's name. I noticed in past years that many people came in to find their students work, and did not spend time looking at the rest of the show. This made it a bit more work to find their child's more of the show was seen by more people!!