Paint did bring some of the clay facades to life.
February 28, 2013
February 27, 2013
February 26, 2013
Character Day for Read Me Week!
So I decided to carry on the theme of When Pigasso Met I came as Mootisse! I'm bull headed(yes..a Taurus)..and large...and have the hair for it!! I used lipstick to make my face look a bit more like Mootisse...and had the outfit down(except black shoes instead of boots). The kids thought I was a I carried the book around with me! ha ha ha
My student teacher makes the perfect Camilla Cream from A Bad Case of Stripes. The stripes on her face didn't show up real well in the picture...and I cut off her legs that were striped knee highs! So funny. So glad she wanted to join in the fun!!!!!
February 25, 2013
1000 +
I started Art With Mr. E in the Fall of 2008. I was in my first semester of my MAT in Fine Arts...and my technology prof. encouraged me to start a blog. He told me..."You are an expert in your need to share what you know!" ( I'm not so sure about the expert part...I think of myself as more of a fellow traveler that has been down this road awhile!!! ) When I started my blog...I really had no idea if it would be noticed by anyone other than in my district. I started having people "follow" my blog...that I didn't know?!?! What's that all about? A little over 2 yrs in...I had 200 of you wonderful people checkin' in to see what was happening in Mr. E's art room...and conversations were being had with art teachers & home school moms around the world?!?!! I am a people person...and that carries over on my blog too. I have enjoyed the comments, questions, and conversations we've had. So many of you have become friends...though we've never met face to face!!! (hopefully this will change at least for some) So now here I am...with a 1000+ followers (thank you Pinterest!). I am humbled, encouraged, and fueled to keep on keeping on!!!!! Know my virtual door is always open to you all...and if you live close classroom door is open to anyone wanting to visit!!
Art With Mr. E on Facebook
Don't forget about Art With Mr. E on Facebook!
An easier way to discuss, ask, questions...WHATEVER!!! :)
February 22, 2013
Paper Marbling With Shaving Cream: Step by Step
Here are the supplies you'll need. Shaving cream, craft stick, tempera or liquid watercolor paint, brush, plastic lid cut in half, and paper to print on.. You can also use an aluminum pan/mat/flat Styrofoam tray instead of placing the shaving cream on the table...but that isn't necessary.
If you cut a lid in will act as the perfect squeegee for removing the foam and paint later on. I find the larger the lid, the better!!!! This isn't a must have, but I like it because you can reuse them!!!!
There should be about an inch or so thickness to the shaving cream, and should be spread out to fit the size paper you are planning to print on. Using your brush(or a craft stick)...drop paint onto the foam surface.
Take your craft stick and drag it through in one direction...not going too deep with the stick.
Take the craft stick through the opposite direction. You can do this to your personal liking...trying to get the feathered look. Be careful not to over do it...or you'll just have a muddied look to your print.
Place paper on top of foam surface and press gently into the surface.
Lifting it may think...OH NO..IT'S A HOT MESS?!?!?!?! Don't worry...the magic comes once you squeegee that mess off!! ha ha
Using your half lid...scrap off the foam/paint going from bottom to top. Shake off the mess..and scrap the rest off. Should be able to do this in 2 or 3 passes depending on the size of your lid and paper.
You can theme your colors any way you like to fit with the next step of whatever project you're going to create. Vague...yes...but this process can take you into many other projects: book making, collage, mixed media, paper weaving, etc.
You can use the same surface again to create another print. The results are inconsistent though. I dropped more paint onto the the craft stick through...and reprinted.
It is a little muddied, but still beautiful.
Clean up isn't bad with this....and your room will smell soooooooooo good!!!!! ha ha
February 21, 2013
When Pigasso Met Mootisse: The Book & My Door
READ ME WEEK! is next week....and I had to come up with an idea for my classroom door & who I'm going to dress up like. I decided on When Pigasso Met Mootisse. If you've not seen this's great! So much fun...with amazing illustrations.
I'll post more pictures next week, but here is my classroom door.
If you have the'll recognize my door was inspired by the inside cover.
Mixed Media Bird Nests: 1st Grade
This picture will be part of our all school art show that will have a recycled theme this year. The nest has newspaper & yarn scraps. The leaves are made from paint plates my kindergarten students used to mix the color green with blue, yellow, and white. The wings are created from scrap fabric that was given to me.
Some students just kind of copied what they saw...but many gave their birds wonderful little personalities!!
February 20, 2013
Bulletin Board: Putting Left Overs To Good Use
At the end of last year I had student create flowers for a back-to-school bulletin board in the main hall. I ended up using only some of the flowers...but kept the others tucked away in my supply closet. The other day I decided to change the winter bulletin board....I'm over the cold!!!!!! ha ha
As I looked at my construction paper shelves for inspiration of color....I remembered the flowers! I placed the different yellows up to cover the board...then did swirly vines in tempera. I then added the left over flowers. It looked so bright & cheery...but I had no words. One of our secretaries told me..."Beauty doesn't need words, Mr. E....and that speaks for itself." That was sweet...but I still felt it needed words. I thought about the upcoming READ ME WEEK....and came up with this saying. It works. :)
My student teacher just told me about this site....I'm so excited to explore it!!!!! There is so much great information here. Art History was always a struggle for me...I've got a horrible memory!!!! This puts art history at your fingertips!! WONDERFUL.
February 19, 2013
Another Bottle Cap Project: FISH
This year's art show is REDUCE, REUSE, RE-IMAGINE! (a recycled materials art show) I've been wanting to create bottle cap fish since we created our outdoor mural last year. They will be interior, so need to worry about the elements. We'll be using insulation foam sheets for the base....and tacky glue as our adhesive. I had 3rd & 4th create design fish. We'll be selecting four of their designs and project them on the foam. We'll cap the front & back...because they'll be hanging in the atrium of our school...and will be seen from both sides. I'm going to allow all my classes/grade levels to participate in adding the caps so it is a true school wide project. Stay tuned!!!