February 28, 2021

Sunday Devotional With Mr. E: Craftsmanship

 Craftmanship deals with the level at which one executes a given skill/talent.  In recent years, more emphases has been placed on "process" and less on the final project.  Though I do feel the process is extremely important, one can not abandoned good craftmanship.  If the craftmanship is neglected, people may miss or misinterpret the intent of the work.  Though the artist might gain some catharsis from the experience, the viewer is left with little to gain understanding/insight to the artist's work. Craftsmanship is up for interpretation, but it is something the artist will grow in/develop as they pursue their art making. It is an ongoing, life long process.   Ideas, process, and craftsmanship are all important pieces to art. 

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.  Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice.  Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ,  God forgave you.  

Ephesians 4:29-32

When we begin walking with the Lord....there are often times that our lives do not match up with the truths we profess.  There may be times that our hearts & minds embrace jealousy, anger, or pride instead of the things of God & the fruits of the Spirit.  We are a work in progress.  As we spend time in God's Word, in prayer, fellowship with other believers, and living out our faith...our hearts, minds, words, & deeds become closer aligned.  There is a refinement that takes place as we gain a deeper understanding of what God has done for us.  We no longer want things that might distract or deter others from seeing the love of God in our lives & how it has transformed us from the inside out.  It is the "craftsmanship" of the Christian life.  This is truly an ongoing....LIFE LONG...process.  

February 25, 2021

Water Color / Water Color Pencil Landscapes: 4th Grade

My forth graders created unreal color landscapes in watercolor last week.  This week we are using watercolor pencils to add details, and finish up any "unfinished" areas.  They have loved getting to use supplies that just weren't able to use while we were virtual!  

February 24, 2021

Tints & Shades Turtles: 2nd Grade

 When we returned to in person classes, I decided that we would do ALL THE THINGS!!  I was a little more cautious when we returned for 6 weeks in the fall (using supplies I could easily disinfect). So my students had not painted since before the tornado & then pandemic (which is going to be a year ago next week I believe).  I was so excited to just give my students supplies they could get messy with & create whatever their hearts desired.  Well...that lasted 1 day.  I quickly realized my students were out of practice with.....well....a lot of things!  I needed to reign our project in a bit, and use it as a stepping stone to be more creative as we got back into the swing of being "in" school.  

So we worked on tints & shades creating turtles (my fav. animal). 

The students loved it & I remained relatively sane that first week back! ha ha We're starting to get our in person school groove back!!  

February 23, 2021

1 Down 1 To Go

1st round done!  Our district just started vaccinating teachers this past weekend, and I was able to get a time slot for after school Tues!  The nurse that gave me my shot was amazing...I didn't feel the needle at all! Wonder if she does phlebotomies? Haha (I have a genetic condition that requires blood letting several times a year) 😆 
I have not started receiving or emitting transmissions from/to the mother ship.
👽 All is well!! 

(no second heads were grown in the receiving of the Covid-19 Vaccine)

February 21, 2021

Sunday Devotional With Mr. E: Stuck Together

Adhesives are tricky.  I'm a trained professional and still burn myself with hot glue & stick my fingers together with super glue. Young artists often struggle when using adhesives.  They often feel more is better, but that just isn't the case with glue.  Too much can lengthen dry time, and cause pieces being attached to a sculpture not to adhere or slip out of place.  The opposite can also be an issue.  Too little glue can cause work to seemingly attach, only to fall apart with any tension/movement placed upon it. Yes, there is an art to gluing.  If you want things stuck together....you will need to learn the proper application of the product and be aware of your part in the process. 

 Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.

Colossians 3:13-14

Unity is allusive in our world.  There seems to be too many people placing their opinions, wants, and needs ahead of....well...EVERYONE & EVERYTHING!  How can we come together when we struggle to see past ourselves?  Unfortunately, this is not just a problem with the "world".  The church also struggles at times to come together in true unity.  I feel Colossians 3:13-14 is a "guide" or "how to" in regards to pursuing unity.  We see some words/phrases that should be noted. 

BEAR: endure or carry the weight of

FORGIVE:  stop feeling angry or resentful toward someone/ cancel debt 

FORGIVE AS THE LORD FORGAVE YOU:  (I'll let you think on that one!)

PUT ON LOVE:  to make a conscious choice to love God and others

It is easier said than done...I KNOW!! We all have struggle with this at times in our life.  I feel what God is calling us to in Colossians 3:13-14 is remember where we once were (and how people had to endure you), what God did to bring us into a personal relationship with him, that everyone is at a different point in their walk with God & grace needs to be extended, and if it isn't easy....choose love anyways!!! 

We need to be stuck together with our family of believers....because we are better together.  

February 19, 2021

Snow Days: New Masks

 On this episode of SNOW DAYS & MR.E SEWS....

I was in need of some more masks now that we are back in person.  Once again...my big head causes issues with "normal" adult sized things (see previous post of my new hat I made).  I use two pieces of fabric with a "pocket" to place a filter in between. (I actually place an adult size paper mask as a filter.) I use t-shirt "yarn" that goes around the back of my head & a tie at the base of my neck.  Early on in the pandemic I realized the ones that go just around the ears were rubbing my skin raw.  All the fabric I purchased at Wal-Mart.  

February 17, 2021

Snow Days: I NEED A HAT!!!!

We were back to school for a week.....and then BAM!!!!!  Snowed in for a week (Middle TN started with ice...about 2 inches of it....then we received about 4 or 5 inches of snow on top!).  I realized I did not have a good winter hat so I could go outside with my kids.  Hats are an issue with me because I have a HUGE head.  No really...I have to buy my hats at www.bigheadcaps.com  (awesome company based here in Middle TN!).  I used an old sweatshirt to create a hat.  


I used the waist band area for the bottom part of my hat. I folded it up once to make it thicker over the ears, and then sewed in an extra layer of sweatshirt material so it was triple thick! I love a "elf" hat style because my students crack up (I finger knitted one years ago that I would wear to bus duty, but don't know what happened to it?!?).  

After I was finished sewing I painted turtles onto it.  I think I may add a few more....you can see there are some large spaces without.  It is warm, fits well, and one of a kind! 

February 14, 2021

Sunday Devotional With Mr. E: A Heart For...

A love of color.  A passion for design.  A deep felt desire to create.  Unexplained art supply marks on your skin and clothing?  

 What is it that defines an artist?  Is it someone who can execute beautiful and thought provoking work?  Is it someone who makes money from their creations?   Is it the pursuit that defines an artist?  A person that applies the desire of their heart.  A person that seeks out opportunities to not only practice but develop their skills.  Someone with a need to express themselves through alternate means.  

Maybe you have a heart for art? 

A person with a heart for art will consume it (museums, arts & craft stores, books, magazines, YouTube, shows, or whatever other sources they might find).  A person with a heart for art will share their passions with others (sometimes even when the other person isn't expecting or wanting it).  A person with a heart for art will express in an artistic manner (not limited to only the physical creation of art). 

What is your heart for???? 


I have heard people talk about feeling "distant" from God.  I've heard people share that they once had a relationship with the Lord, but they just weren't sure any longer if that was the case.  There are many reasons for this.  Sin often gets in the way of our relationship with the Lord.  Apathy also seems to take our eyes off of God and places them on ourselves.  Whatever the reason...there is a need for change.  In Jeremiah, we see a "simple" truth.  You will seek me and find me if you seek me with all of your heart.  What does it mean to seek God with ALL OF YOUR HEART?   ALL MEANS ALL!  We can not seek out the Lord with a divided heart.  His desire is that we give ourselves whole heartedly to pursuing him.  So often we hold on to things for comfort, security, selfish ambition, and a host of other reasons.  This keeps ups from seeking God with all that we are....because we are trying to make our own way.  

Do you have a heart for God?  Do you have a heart for his Word?  Do you have a heart for his people?  Do you have a heart for the lost?  What are you doing if this is true about you?
What do you have a heart for? Do others see that in you? 

February 11, 2021

The Mural Is Finished!

 While we were virtual, I was working on a mural in the entrance of our school. We are using the Ron Clark house system...so that was the color inspiration for the mural.  The design I created after researching "Mod Art".  I really just wanted something bright & fun.  The kids have LOVED it (we returned "in person" classes this past week). 


February 08, 2021

Crayola’s Colors of the World Colored Pencils

OH MY!!!!!!!!
My wife called me from Wal-Mart, and told me she found Crayola Colors of the World Colored Pencils for only $1.  YES...$1!  She asked me how many I wanted.  ALL OF THEM! ha ha I'm not sure if your local Wal-Mart will have them for that price, but it is worth a look.  


February 07, 2021

Sunday Devotional With Mr. E: Why It Matters

 Over the years I've had many students question why we have to study art and artists of the past & present.  They are sure that there is nothing they will gain from it that will impact what they are doing currently.  They just want to make art. In time, most will come to realize that it does matter.  They see the ever changing purpose, styles, materials, and themes. Through that insight they will see a place for themselves.  They will draw inspiration. They will find their own boldness in the risks taken in the past.  They will see their own struggles in the struggles of great artists that have come before them.  This and so many more reasons is why it matters.  

For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope. 

Romans 15:4

 There are times where we feel studying the Bible to be laborious. How can this document from so long ago hold meaning for us today. Why it matters?  The Word of God is a gift given to us. It is a love letter, a source of history, teaching, and great inspiration. We seek instruction on how to live our lives.  We see those who have gone before us in the midst of struggle and pain, but who did not lose their faith & hope.  We see the constant pursuit by a God who loves us, and desires for us to have a deep and meaningful relationship with him.  The Word of God is so much more than a book.  

Ask God to bring a passion & love for his Word.

February 05, 2021

Making a Portrait Using Kleki

Have you all tried kleki.com
It is so much fun, so easy to use, and free!  A majority of our students use the same type of computer provided by the district.....but some do not.  I wanted to make sure we were all using the same thing so I could give them instructions that worked for EVERYONE! I'm using it with 2nd - 4th grade, and they LOVE IT!!  Here is my asynchronous video for portraits.  
Give it a try...and let me know what you think!