May 31, 2020
Sunday Devotional With Mr.E: For the love...
Have you ever met someone that really loves art? I mean REALLY loves art!
As art people, we often love to talk about art. We discuss the good , the bad, and the ugly (and sometimes we really love the ugly!!) We love to create art. From grand works to little doodles, we just want to be creating something. We love to go to galleries, museums, and to look at art work other artist. It expands, inspires & challenges our artistic vision. We love to buy art supplies (whether we need them or not! ha ha). We love to share our passion for art with others. Sometimes this is through "formal" teaching, but often it is just casual conversation. When we sincerely love something, it is only natural for it to spill over into other areas of our life. We don't do it with some "agenda"...it is simply for the love of art!
Have you ever met someone that you feel has a sincere love for God? What are some of the characteristics you see in them? Words like true, real, genuine, different, compassionate, and loving might come to mind. For the love of God transforms people, and they are no longer the same. I'm not talking about the people that are so heavenly minded that they are no earthly good. People that have been truly transformed by God's love will be sincere in love. This love is a call to action. Love can not be passive and be true. Romans 12:9-10 goes on to say that there will be "hate" for what is evil. We can not passively view "evil". We must have a strong visceral response to those things that are not of God that calls us to action. This verse goes on to say that we must cling to what is good. Why is this important? If we are not careful we can become so focused on the negative that we lose hope that God is still on the throne. The last part of this section of scripture goes back to the need for the love of God in our life. This love reminds us that we must "die to self". In other words...STOP BEING SO SELFISH!!!! Too often we place our wants, our needs, our comfort above what God is calling us to do. If we want to truly live a life of sincere love...we must become more like Christ. If we desire our love for the Lord to overflow into every area of our life, we must devote ourselves to knowing him. In doing so, we will begin seeing more of the Lord in our heart, mind, attitudes, actions, reactions, and relationships. It will spill over into every area of our life.
May 30, 2020
Art Supply Review: Dollar Tree’s Crafter’s Square Watercolor Set
Testing another product....SO YOU DON’T HAVE TO!!
May 25, 2020
Product Review: Art Skills Watercolor
I love watching product reviews on YouTube! I thought it would be fun to make some for channel geared more for art teachers, but kids, families, and other creative individuals might enjoy watching it as well! Many of the products I’ve already purchased are from Dollar General.
May 24, 2020
It's Finished!! (I think?!?)
I think I'm finally done with this project! It is 45 inches long and 13 inches wide! I lost track of how many yo-yo's I created for this?!? ha ha It has been a lot of fun, and I really do like the end results. If you look closer at it...you might see the beads I added to the center of many of the yo-yo's. I have another yo-yo project in mind now....think 3-D!!! ha ha I need to start sewing though...it is going to take A LOT of yo-yo's!!
Sunday Devotional With Mr.E: Start New
There have been many times over the years that I've become "stuck" on a concept, style, medium, brand, color(s), or technique. There wasn't a conscious choice to become stuck. It just kind of happened. There are different reasons for this: a stubborn desire to make something work, a fear to try something new/different, we are comfortable doing what we've always done, lacking vision for what's next, or some combination. Though it is noble to see something to fruition, holding onto something that isn't working prevents us from moving forward. Painting over a canvas, tearing out a page in your sketch book, switching the medium....when you start new you give yourself the freedom to let go of what was and embrace what is yet to come.
Past successes and failures have the potential to get in the way of what God wants to do in our lives. Living in what was prevents us from living in what's now. Some rest in the glory of the past. Some wrestle with the mistakes of the past. Both need to start new! When we are given the gift of "today" we must seek God on how we might grow to know him more and to make him known. Our past experience inform our present but do not define it. "SEE, I AM DOING A NEW THING!" What is it that God desires to do in and through you...TODAY. What past experiences are you holding on to as excuses? You've gone on mission trips, grown up in church, taught Sunday school.....but what about TODAY? You've messed up...repeatedly, you feel like you've run from God, you are still struggling.....but what about TODAY? Today is a day to start new! Today is a day to trust God.
May 22, 2020
A Dino-Mite Art Show: 2nd Grade
Our annual K-4th Grade art show was suppose to take place March 26th.
I brought home all the art work to prep it for the show (when I still thought we'd get to return to school). We would have had two more weeks to tweek/fix/finish student work, but because of a tornado that shut down schools & then COVID-19....we did not have that precious time. There are always possibilities that a student may not have a piece of art in their class grouping because of absences or not writing their name on their work. All attempts were made to include one picture from each student.
May 19, 2020
A Dino-Mite Art Show: 1st Grade
Our annual K-4th Grade art show was suppose to take place March 26th.
I brought home all the art work to prep it for the show (when I still thought we'd get to return to school). We would have had two more weeks to tweek/fix/finish student work, but because of a tornado that shut down schools & then COVID-19....we did not have that precious time. There are always possibilities that a student may not have a piece of art in their class grouping because of absences or not writing their name on their work. All attempts were made to include one picture from each student.
May 18, 2020
A Dino-Mite Art Show: Kindergarten
Our annual K-4th Grade art show was suppose to take place March 26th.
I brought home all the art work to prep it for the show (when I still thought we'd get to return to school). We would have had two more weeks to tweek/fix/finish student work, but because of a tornado that shut down schools & then COVID-19....we did not have that precious time. There are always possibilities that a student may not have a piece of art in their class grouping because of absences or not writing their name on their work. All attempts were made to include one picture from each student.
May 17, 2020
Sunday Devotional With Mr.E: WORDS
Most think of art as a primarily visual form of communication and expression, but words play an incredible roll. They label it, describe it, promote it, compare it, emote about it, praise it, and condemn it. Art creates conversation. Art is communication. A title for a work can cause confusion or clarification. A well written artist statement can set the scene for a work or series of works that will usher the viewer in to a deeper experience because of the context provided. A scathing review can sway our opinion of a work, artist, or venue. Friends discussing a work of art or an artist can raise one's curiosity & desire to seek out more information. Yes, words have a power to impact art (and artist) in a positive, negative, or neutral way.
Words have an incredible impact. Do you consider this in your day to day? There are so many things happening in our world that could easily influence you in a negative manner. Are you allowing negativity to escape from your lips? How much do you entertain negativity in your ears, minds, and hearts? Sometimes we make excuses. We call it "playing", "sarcasm", "truth", "honesty", "the way it is"...etc. However we choose to label it, the reality is that we can harm others with our words (piercing like a sword). If it does not build others up, if it does not show God's love, and if it does not reflect The Word to the world around us....do we need to entertain such things?
Do your words HURT or HEAL?
As you reflect on this....consider how you can change the words you hear, read, write, listen, and speak so that you might better reflect the person God has called you to be. Do your words help, encourage, inspire, build, benefit, and HEAL? Do they show love, grace, and hope? Do others want to know why your words, your way, your attitudes, and your actions are different from others?
This week speak words of love, encouragement, and healing
to someone in your life!
May 14, 2020
My wife went to one of our favorite Dollar Tree's today (getting some work books for our kids), and she was looking at the "craft" section & found this brush holder. WHAT!!! ONE DOLLAR!! Yes, you probably need to hot glue/super glue the legs....BUT ONE DOLLAR!! In our area, Dollar Tree has really upped their arts & crafts game! They recently started carrying yarn (the colors are very pretty!).
Anyways, I love this brush holder. Though...I have some empty spots so now I feel I must get more brushes!!! ha ha Thought you all might want to check out your Dollar Tree to see if you can find any arty goodness! Hope you all are doing well.

May 10, 2020
Metro Nashville Online Student Art Show
Metro Nashville Public Schools usually has their annual Mayor's Art Show at the Frist Museum Every Spring. Because of being out due to COVID-19, the did not happen event did not happen this year. Our coordinator for visual art wanted to have "something". She put out the call for student art work...either created during the school year or through online learning. I brought home my entire K-4th art show to prepare before finding out that we'd not be returning. I thought I'd share the images I submitted for the digital show. If we are given a link to all the submissions I'll share it on here. Our show was dinosaur themed (I'm so sad it won't be happening...art show is my craziest time of the year, but also my favorite!!).
Sunday Devotional With Mr.E: OPEN
PERSON A "I don't get abstract art? Abstract art is stupid!"
People have strong opinions about art. They will often draw a line in the sand concerning what they feel is art or what they may consider to be good art. Though I do enjoy a good debate every once and awhile, I do not believe it is my place to "defend" my perspective on art/good art. I do feel it is my place to "educate" others when the opportunity arises (in a non-condescending manner). I come from a place of exposure, in depth study, and diverse training from a multitude of instructors from multiple perspectives. This is not to say that my thoughts on art are"better", but it is informed differently than most. When others express their opinions, they are sharing out of their experience, understanding, and perspective. There is great value in this. As an "art person", I should listen, ask questions, and encourage others to think about/process/unpack their opinions/beliefs about art. If I remain open to what others are saying...they may remain open to learning, growing, and experiencing art. If I am closed off or try to shut them down, they will be less likely to open themselves up again.
Being open does not mean compromising your beliefs. Being grace filled does not mean you are allowing others to walk all over you. In Colossians 4:5-6, we see an admonition to believers in their actions and interactions towards others. We are not called to be confrontational and demeaning. We are not called to be finger pointing zealots. We are not called to be callous spewers of religiosity. NO! We are called to be wise, grace filled, and conscientious to the individual. This means we must be open to share our own story. We must be open to hearing their story (without judgement or condemnation). We must be open to give and speak the grace that has been given to us. Our actions, attitudes, and words need to reflect that life and love. God is all about relationships. We should be about relationships. We need to listen more. Ask questions without expectations. Encourage others to think, process, and unpack their own journeys. If we live life this way...it will be amazing to see how God might use us when we're open.
May 07, 2020
Throw Back Thursday: Chihuly
In 2010, Chihuly was on display at The Frist Museum & Cheekwood here in Nashville. Our school district had a huge push to share the work of Chihuly with our students. I was on the team that developed lessons, lead professional development, and created web resources for our teachers to use during this time. I loved this display of work created by my students. It was located at the front of our school where everyone entered the building. What a "WOW" factor! His work is suppose to be returning to Cheekwood this summer (though I'm not sure what will happen with COVID-19 and such?!?). Might have to bring back some of these projects.
May 04, 2020
Sewing With Mr.E: How to Make a Yo-Yo
I've had a lot of you ask how I make the "yo's" for the yo-yo wall hanging I've been working on. So here is a video to give you the details. Please remember...I'm not a "professional" seamster/clothier/tailor! So there may be things I do that are cringe worthy for those of you who have more experience with a needle and thread.
May 03, 2020
Sunday Devotional With Mr.E: WATCH
It is easy to allow outside sources to influence our inner creative dialog. Sometimes we are seeking constructive criticism. Sometimes we are seeking affirmation. Sometimes people offer unsolicited opinions. Whatever the case might be, if we are not careful we can allow such things to begin seeping into our heart, our mind, and our art. We begin to think that our work isn't good enough, our ideas are not strong enough, or that we lack social media star power (a seeming prerequisite for any type of success in today's world). Half truths and whole lies cause us to doubt ourselves or compromise our artist integrity. Our work begins morphing into what is trendy and acceptable to the masses. We need to watch what we allow to take root in our artistic lives. We need to watch our own thoughts, words, and actions so we do not feed into the destructive patterns that can crush our creative pursuits.
What does it mean to "watch over your heart"? Some translations use the word "guard" instead of watch. When one watches or guards something.....they are attentive. They know who or what SHOULD be going in or out. They know who or what IS going in and out. They are also empowered(given the tools and training) to do what is necessary to insure these expectations are accomplished. Do we truly "watch" or "guard" our heart? Do we allow things to enter in that should not? Right now we are faced with information and opinions as diverse as the fish in the sea. We can easily allow the confusion, contempt, and consternation of this world to impact our lives. We can allow pride and stress to have a place in our hearts. Is that what the Lord desires for us? NO! We need to be living the life God has given us. That life is rooted in love. What are you letting into your heart...your mind...your life? What actions do you need to take to truly watch/guard your heart?