I love teaching weaving. There is an almost magical quality about it. The art room becomes quiet. Students are amazed just how quickly an hour passes. I have many ask to come in before class, during lunch & recess, and after class so they can continue. Some students that struggle in other areas of art (drawing, painting..etc) find great success with weaving. However, it is important to continually monitor student progress even when everything seems to be going so well. It is easy for students to become distracted, lax, or careless when they think they've "got it". I must be diligent in monitoring my students' work. As I walk around the room, I try to encourage the good that I see, redirect any issues they might be having, and challenge them to be "present" in their creating. As I do this, students begin modeling the same behavior to those around them. I hear words of encouragement. I hear offers to help those struggling. I see students reminding their neighbors to focus on their work. It is a beautiful thing when a class that is weaving seems to be woven together in their own special way.

How are you doing?
I pray you are healthy...physically...mentally...and spiritually.
COVID-19 has changed our world. We find ourselves in the midst of "social distancing" & "shelter in place". This can lead to feelings of isolation and disconnection. As believers, we know that we are called to be One Body. It doesn't feel right to be away from those we consider our family.
We are woven together through a shared belief. We are woven together through a shared heart.
As we find ourselves unable to gather together in our churches, Bible studies,and Sunday school classes....we must be purposeful & creative in how we can spur one another on, meet together, and encourage one another in other ways. We live in an amazing time where we have cell phones, emails, websites, YouTube, social media, Zoom, Face Time, Marco Polo...and a host of other technology. Hopefully you have been able to watch your church service online (if they have that available), listen to Christian music(online or on the radio) and podcasts. However...those are more consumer based. How about reaching out to others?
Take a moment and pray about those in your faith community
that might need you to reach out to them.
5 People to Call
5 People to Text
5 People to E-Mail
5 People to Contact on Social Media
How can you use each of these opportunities to encourage the person you are contacting? You might just want to let them know that you were thinking about them. Do you have a scripture you feel God has been putting on your heart that you might share with them? Do you want to ask them if they have any prayer requests? Maybe you could ask them to share how they came to faith?
Some people might not realize how disconnected they feel because they have gone into "survival mode". Reaching out could have a ripple effect in your community. It might encourage the person you contacted.....to reach out to others!
We are woven together in faith. We are connected & need one another.