So a week or so ago my wife was shopping at Target, and she found several boxes of Construction Paper Crayons(Class Sets). They were $25 at the time...great deal, but I told her don't get them. This week she goes in and finds them marked down to $18 a box!!!! WHAT!!?!??! I couldn't pass that up. The question is...why would Target have class set boxes? Maybe someone ordered from and then brought them back to an actual store location? I don't know...but I'm glad I was able to snag such an amazing deal!!! What is the best deal you've ever gotten in an odd location?
February 29, 2016
February 28, 2016
Sunday Devotionals With Mr. E: A Print
When I teach print making, I always have a student that doesn't quite get it. After applying the ink once...they try to take multiple prints off of it. By the third or forth attempt, the student usually comes to me confused & questioning what went wrong. Things aren't looking like they thought they would. They think that they are doing things correctly. They think they are doing it just like I showed them. I understand that they are excited to get started...print making is fun & you get immediate results. However, they are so excited about the product & the praise that they forget that there is a process to get there. The final product ends up being just a poor impression of what should be....a print that bares little resemblance to the original.
One day the evil spirit answered them, "Jesus I know, and Paul I know about, but who are you?" Then the man who had the evil spirit jumped on them and overpowered them all. He gave them such a beating that they ran out of the house naked and bleeding. Acts 19: 15-16
They were doing what they thought they had seen done before. They thought that they could just use the name of Jesus & Paul and that it would get the same results. In the rush to get the product & the praise, they missed the greatest part of the process....a personal relationship with Jesus. They had but a poor quality impression of what should have been a vibrant & true reflection of the original. The result was not pretty! The demon called them on it. "Jesus I know, and Paul I know about, but who are you?"
I want my life to be a vibrant & true reflection of the Lord. I may not be the perfect "print"...but the imperfections are part of the story & testimony of Christ in my life. I never want to hear "...but who are you?" May my life clearly display The One who made me, The One who saved me, The One who loves me......and may they seek to know more because of what they see in me.
Dear Lord, thank you for loving me. That love has the power to change, transform, and make new. May that be so "printed" on my life...that others will see You in me. Thank you for the "process" of growing in You as I grow to know you.
In Your Name...Amen
They were doing what they thought they had seen done before. They thought that they could just use the name of Jesus & Paul and that it would get the same results. In the rush to get the product & the praise, they missed the greatest part of the process....a personal relationship with Jesus. They had but a poor quality impression of what should have been a vibrant & true reflection of the original. The result was not pretty! The demon called them on it. "Jesus I know, and Paul I know about, but who are you?"
I want my life to be a vibrant & true reflection of the Lord. I may not be the perfect "print"...but the imperfections are part of the story & testimony of Christ in my life. I never want to hear "...but who are you?" May my life clearly display The One who made me, The One who saved me, The One who loves me......and may they seek to know more because of what they see in me.
Dear Lord, thank you for loving me. That love has the power to change, transform, and make new. May that be so "printed" on my life...that others will see You in me. Thank you for the "process" of growing in You as I grow to know you.
In Your Name...Amen
February 26, 2016
More Collograph Sun Prints: 3rd Grade
The kids really have been enjoying this....and each day I'm finding some fun prints to share with you. I hope you enjoy them!
February 25, 2016
Robot Blue Prints: 4th Grade
I had my 4th graders design a robot that would fulfill a need in their life. It might make their bed, cook, do their homework, play....whatever! We looked at blue prints and discussed the need to think things out completely before production begins. They were asked to write a paragraph explaining the function & details of the robot, and why they made the choices they did. They were required to draw a front, back, and side view of their creation. It was challenging for some, but I really enjoyed helping them wrestle through the process.
February 24, 2016
Collograph Sun Prints: 3rd Grade
I'm not a Print Making kind of guy! I never took a print making class in college. I hate messes.
That being said...there are things we don't love to teach, but we teach them...because the kids need us to expose them to a wide array of art making....because it is in the curriculum...because we need to challenge ourselves to be better than we are & face our fears!!
When I started teaching almost 20 yrs ago...I didn't even know what a collograph print was?!?! Thank goodness for connections!!! The art gang helped me through it...and taught me the ways of print making.
Since we have been doing a space"ish" theme as of late...I decided to do a mini-unit on Stars/Suns. We look at a variety of artistically done suns from around the world....and I encouraged my students to be unique in the designing of their suns. I allowed my students to use yarn & a thick card stock paper(donated ..not sure what exactly it is). They created them last week and printed them this week. I did not seal them or was suggested by one of my friends. (she recommended that because the paper absorbs some of the ink) I think they were ok without it. I set up an area in my room with 5 printing stations. I got the class started on another sun project..and then called five students at a time to print. This works best for do what you need to do to make it work for you! It was more controlled this way..and I could keep an eye on the students printing & the rest of the class. I'm really happy with the results! THE KIDS LOVED IT!!
February 23, 2016
I'm excited to be a part of the NAEA Webinar Series!! If you struggle to get to conferences...but love the information provided.....THIS IS FOR YOU!!! Sign up and watch/listen from the comfort of your own home!
HIGH SCHOOL: ERIC GIBBONS - Boxartist (You may know him from If Picasso Went to the..)
It is free for NAEA members...but you need to sign up!!!
Even if you can't be there tonight...sign up & that way you will have access to it later!
February 22, 2016
My Venting System
I decided to spray paint my 1st grade pinch pot robot heads was a cheaper & faster option for what I needed out of this project! I don't have a vent system of any kind....even for my kiln. So I improvised! I have two small windows in my room that open to the courtyard between two wings of our school. I placed my drying rack on a level surface & then placed a flat plastic container on top with the clay evenly spaced. I hung out my window and spray painted them...quickly shutting the window. Not the most sophisticated method..but it worked.
February 21, 2016
Sunday Devotional With Mr. E: IMAGINATION
As artists, we run on imagination! Our lives are filtered through the creative....not just by what we "do", but how we see, think, and respond to the world around us. I'm rarely bored because my mind is always going at warp speed thinking of a million different things at once. Filtering the deluge of information is more of the issue than not having enough creative ideas/thoughts. Because of how my mind works, I have to be careful to keep my expectations in check. I go down many paths in my mind before a situation is every played out in real life. Anyone else have this problem?
"No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what
God has prepared for those who love him." 1 Corinthians 2:9
In 1 Corinthians 2:9, we are reminded that our God has something in store for the believer that is going to leave us on our knees before the throne! His ways are beyond anything we can imagine. I love the idea, yet find it challenging to wrap my mind around something that is more amazing than anything I've seen, heard or imagined. My "world" is a pretty colorful, loud, and an exciting place to be. The fact that God is bigger,more creative, and so much more intentional leaves me in awe & wonder of Him. Though I'm a reflection of the Master Artist...He alone is worthy of all praise. He alone is worthy to be glorified. He alone is worthy to be magnified.
Dear Lord
Allow me to be amazed by you.
Allow me to see you as you truly are.
Allow me to be in awe & wonder of your plans.
Help me to not not get in the way...
or allow the things of this world to get in the way.
In Christ's Name
February 18, 2016
ET PHONE HOME: Tints & Shades
I think I'm having flashbacks to my childhood....E.T. reaching up and pointing to the night sky!!! ha ha I decided to have my 4th grade use complementary colors with tints & shades to create these other worldly sky paintings w/ cityscape & robot. The kids really enjoyed the project...painting is a crowd fav!!! Over all they did well, but I noticed many of my students struggled to apply the paint in smooth brush strokes. I kept telling them if it sounded scratchy..they did not have enough paint on their brush. It is a skill we need to continue to develop!
February 16, 2016
Tempera Paint Robots: 1st Grade
As we continue to create work for our spring art show "Robots & Rocket Ships"...I'm encouraged that this will be a really fun show for people to come see! The students were given 12x18 pieces of paper and asked to create a large robot. They first week we drew it out & painted the gray. The second week we were given black, white, red, yellow, and blue and asked to paint the details of their robots. This week we used construction paper crayons to add details, highlights, and fill in missed well as...cut out our robots(this was done after they finished their pinch pot robot heads). I've got one more step that will take about 20 min or so before we call this project complete!! Stay tuned!
Pinch Pot Robot Heads: 1st Grade
So here are some of the first completed Pinch Pot Robot Heads created by my 1st graders. I decided to spray paint their pots silver to speed up the process a bit. We have several projects we need to finish, and if I can do complete 2 in one day....I'm going to do it!! I allowed the students to use pipe cleaners (they created holes where they wanted them to go when we made the pinch pots). I secured them in with hot glue. The students used acrylic paint with Q-tips to paint the details on their robot heads. I'm excited to see how the other classes do on finishing up this project!!
How do you do pinch pots in your room??
February 14, 2016
Happy Valentine's Day From My Wife
This has to be my favorite gift my wife has ever given me!!
(of coarse my children ...but I'm talking about a "material" item..not a human being)
She was secretly creating these hearts for the #aheartadaychallenge. She does not consider herself an artist...but does consider herself very creative! I'm totally taken by these...and feel so blessed my sweet wife would take the time to make them for me! LOVE!!!
Sunday Devotional With Mr. E: What Does Love Look Like?
Over the years many artists have tried to tackle the concept of love. The examples are as varied as the artists & materials. There are examples of love between God & man, human love, love for nature, the love of money, love of material possessions, the love of country, the use of the word "love", and they symbolic us of the heart. Paint, paper, stone, metal, pencils, plastic, and so many other supplies have tried to capture the spirit of love with varying amounts of success. Love, in its many forms, is what moves us...for good or for not, and why it is such a huge reoccurring theme within art. But what is true love? What does love look like?
Teacher example from a Jim Dine lesson. |
This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters. If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person? Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but the actions and in truth.
1 John 3:16-18
We can say "I love you". We can sing songs of love. We can give cards, flowers, or other gifts. However, true love goes far beyond those momentary expressions. True love changes you from the inside out. When we come to understand what Christ has done for us....we come to understand what love truly is. We no longer seek to serve ourselves & pursue the passions of the world. Our heart begins to reflect our Father. I do say begins...because as most is a process. As we grow in God...our heart grows closer to His. We begin to love as He loves. We begin to react with that heart. We are called not only to love God...but reflect & act upon that love. This love expresses itself in our words, attitudes, and actions. If you find your words unkind, your attitudes poor, and your actions self serving.....check your heart! It might be that you need to take some time asking the Lord to reveal what is causing this disconnect between knowing His love..yet not seeing it lived out in your life. When we earnestly seek Him...He is faithful to meet us where we are(even if it isn't a "pretty"place to be). Ask Him to help your heart, head, and actions to line up with the truth of His love.
Dear Jesus, thank you for your love.
Thank you for showing me how to love.
Help me Lord to love like you love. Help me to show your love to those around me. Allow me to be a true picture of your love to the world.
In Christ's Name, AMEN
February 12, 2016
The challenge continues! I hope you've seen the fun we've been having with the #aheartadaychallenge!! If not, check out my Facebook page & Twitter! We are going to be going all month you still have time to join in the fun!
February 07, 2016
Sunday Devotional With Mr. E: PASSION
Have you ever met an artist that just doesn't seem to care about anything? They seem to have no vision, direction, or passion, I'm thinking that you probably have not. We are known for being very passionate people. Now what we are passionate about may not always make sense to others, but you have to respect the fact that artists are passionate! We all have times in our artistic journey where we just "aren't feeling it". That is a normal part of every person's life. Writers have "blocks", artists have "blocks", and I'm sure even accountants have "blocks". Normally those times pass quickly & we get back to passionately creating what is on our hearts & minds. No matter if we are in an up or down swing, most artists will be able to share their passion with others....well....because their passionate!
I know all the things you do, that you are neither hot nor cold. I wish that you were one or the other! But since you are like lukewarm water, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth!
Revelation 3: 15-16
I had read this passage many times, but the meaning took on a new life as I was listening to a sermon in Laodicea (Modern Day Turkey). You see this passage is being directed to the church of Laodicea, and they knew exactly what the Lord meant! Not far away are medicinal springs in Pamukkala. They were volcanic springs full of minerals (the mountain side looks like it is covered in ice...beautiful!). If you were to get the water in your mouth (it would be lukewarm...and taste TERRIBLE) would surely spit it out. That is how vial passionless people are to the Lord. Neither hot...nor cold. My guess is that the people of Laodicea did not take this warning to heart, because all that is left of a once rich & powerful rubble.
We need to know what we believe, live what we believe, and share what we believe with passion. If God has done what you say He has done (when you ask Him into your life as your Lord & Savior) can you not be passionate? Where are you at on the temp-o-meter? Are you on fire for the Lord...passionately pursuing His will for your life? Are you cold...feeling distant and disconnected from your faith? God is there waiting for you...He has never left. He wants you to be passionate about Him. He is passionate for you!!
Dear Lord,
Thank you for being passionate about me...and making a way for me to have a personal relationship with You! Lord I pray that I would be a person of passion for You, Your Word, & Your people. Help me to be on fire for you...not growing lukewarm or cold in my faith. May my passion be a light to the world of a life reclaimed for the Kingdom!!
In Christ
We need to know what we believe, live what we believe, and share what we believe with passion. If God has done what you say He has done (when you ask Him into your life as your Lord & Savior) can you not be passionate? Where are you at on the temp-o-meter? Are you on fire for the Lord...passionately pursuing His will for your life? Are you cold...feeling distant and disconnected from your faith? God is there waiting for you...He has never left. He wants you to be passionate about Him. He is passionate for you!!
Dear Lord,
Thank you for being passionate about me...and making a way for me to have a personal relationship with You! Lord I pray that I would be a person of passion for You, Your Word, & Your people. Help me to be on fire for you...not growing lukewarm or cold in my faith. May my passion be a light to the world of a life reclaimed for the Kingdom!!
In Christ
February 03, 2016
A Heart A Day Challenge : Feb 2nd
I've had teachers I've never chatted with before, home school families I know, and friends from my old church all join in the fun! I love the amazing variety & fun people are bringing to their hearts!! KEEP THEM COMING!
If you haven't joined can share a heart at any time....
as many or as few as you like!!
Don't forget #aheartadaychallenge on Twitter!
Post it on
You can also e-mail me your heart at
February 02, 2016
A-Heart-A-Day-Challenge: Feb 1st
So yesterday I issued a sketchbook challenge. I posted it on my blog & on Twitter about mid-day...and on Facebook once I got home(can't access Facebook at school). I really wasn't sure how well it would be received...or if anyone would even participate. I was so excited that people seemed to like the idea...and I had 9 people share their "hearts"! THANK YOU!!!!!! I'm hoping it will grow as the month goes on. I love the diversity..and I'm sure will find some art projects to do with my students out of all the amazing ideas!
If you didn't join in yesterday....start today!!!! If you don't think you can do it it when you can! Just look for the posts on the ART TEACHERS Facebook page or my Facebook page can share your picture there. You can also share it on Twitter with #aheartadaychallenge & tag me in it @ArtWithMrE.
Just because I think this picture is ridiculous!!! ha ha
Here is my Feb. 1st!
February 01, 2016
A Heart-A-Day Sketchbook Challenge
I know that some of you may already be participating in other art challenges online & through social media. I'm not trying to take away from what anyone else is doing. So please...join in if you want & if you can...but don't overwhelm yourself with all the fun extras out there provided through our amazing Art Education community!! CREATE RESPONSIBLY!! ha ha ha
During the month of February...create a heart in your sketchbook each day! I was once told in an art show..."Your use of hearts is cliche!" Well, I think hearts are an amazing symbol of love & hope, and that they are not a cliche symbol!
Have fun with it!! Use a variety of media, styles, and applications to make it more interesting! I won't be posting daily challenges...I want you to create as you feel led!! Then...if you would be so it on my ArtWithMrE Facebook page OR #HeartADayChallenge on twitter!(tag me in the post if you would so I see it!!)
If no one else participates...that is ok. I'm just in need of pencil/brush to paper creating right now!!!! So is kind of all about me & I'm just inviting you along! ha ha :) (and I think it would be extra cool to flood twitter with hearts!!)
Modular Art Cube Wall : February
This morning I flipped the Modular Art Cube Wall to display the Purple, Blue, and Red side for February. I'll be interested to see if the teachers & students notice the difference? It is amazing how things become so common place they are no longer noticed. I'm hoping that is not the case!!
If you are new to Art With Mr. on "Modular Art Cube Wall" in the word cloud to the right..and it will pull up the past posts about the construction & painting of this piece!