Tomorrow is the big day...kick off of VBS 2013!!
I'm so proud of my wife...taking over the children's ministry at our church was a huge responsibility!!!
VBS is kind of like the Super Bowl of her role!
We are expecting 300+ kids! (which is huge since we only have 250 members at our church!!!)
I'm also in charge of the I'll be posting some of those images during the week!
Doing crafts is NOTHING like being an art teacher!!!! More on that later.
The popcorn box is on loan from my PTO prez 's! She goes to a church that was doing the same theme...and allowed me to use her amazing prop!!!!! (we're going to use it for our fall festival at school too!! might as well get some miles out of it!)
Here are some of the works created at our family art night!!
The one with her mouth open is my wife! :) hee hee
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